4NCHA show & PRE-WORK, Ranch 13...4NCHA show & PRE-WORK, Ranch 13...
CAT N JERRY rider Anton KondelaCAT N JERRY rider Anton Kondela
ARANGO BOOGIE rider Kateřina SpáčilováARANGO BOOGIE rider Kateřina Spáčilová
RUMER HAS IT rider Karel SpáčilRUMER HAS IT rider Karel Spáčil
PUT HIM HYDRIVE rider Anton KondelaPUT HIM HYDRIVE rider Anton Kondela
SILVER MAGIC TUCKER rider Barbora ČtrnáctáSILVER MAGIC TUCKER rider Barbora Čtrnáctá
SHELBY FIRST rider Milan KlimčikSHELBY FIRST rider Milan Klimčik
CAT SPOONFULL rider Jakub KvackajCAT SPOONFULL rider Jakub Kvackaj
TRAVALEN CAT rider Roman PlavkaTRAVALEN CAT rider Roman Plavka
STARLIGHT SCORPION rider Petr ČtrnáctýSTARLIGHT SCORPION rider Petr Čtrnáctý
DUAL REY TR rider Kateřina SpáčilováDUAL REY TR rider Kateřina Spáčilová
COLOR SPOONFUL rider Anton KondelaCOLOR SPOONFUL rider Anton Kondela


The association is founded under the name 4NCHA, o.s., the seat of the association is Dědinská 893/29, 161 00 PRAGUE 6.

Our affiliation of the American NCHA was established on October 15, 2009 in order to support cutting as a western equestrian sport. The means to achieve this goal are:

  • Support of cutting sport
  • Organization of competitions at the national and international level
  • Support for young people interested in cutting

Our affiliation brings together over 50 members from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, interested in the sport of cutting: riders, breeders, coaches, owners of cutting horses, fans and lovers of this sport.

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